Cornilleau Delivery Information

Tables usually arrive within 10 working days (the majority within 7). You'll be contacted by the couriers to offer a date. On the pre-arranged day you'll receive a call around 30 minutes before arrival. The couriers provide a two-man service to a garage or ground floor room where reasonable access is available (they will not carry the table up flights of stairs or more than a few outdoor steps).

Cornilleau also offer an express service. The cost is £20 and most tables arrive within three working days (Not available for models 850, 740, 640 or Play-Style, nor for orders where the optional assembly service has been purchased). Our customer service team will be happy to add the express service for you when they call to discuss your delivery.

Deliveries to Scottish Postcodes and Offshore Locations

We cannot deliver Cornilleau tables to the following Scottish postcode areas: AB36-38, AB40-56, KA27-28, PA20+, PH20+, All IV, All KW.

It's not uncommon for deliveries to Scotland to take twice as long as quoted above.

We cannot deliver Cornilleau tables to any offshore addresses (this includes Anglesey).


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Orders can be placed by fax, email and telephone or online via our website. If you have any queries or wish to get advice before placing an order please call us on 01371 875000.

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